(A decent home for everyone)

 We recognise that we must increase our efforts and scale in order to provide more and better-quality Housing accommodation and support for the ever-increasing demand, both in the immediate locality of our roots but also across the UK in areas where our need is most. This is reflected in the board’s vision for Ash-Shahada: 

To become one of the top performing and trusted housing Associations of choice in the UK by Muslims, Black, Ethnic minorities, refugees and vulnerable people, by delivering excellent value and service in a commercially aware but ethical manner



(Even more and better homes for the vulnerable)

 Our wider remit is reflected today in our mission:

Enabling communities to thrive through the provision of affordable decent social housing and targeted support particularly for Muslims, Black and ethnic minorities, refugees and vulnerable people



Ash-Shahada’s aims are: 

  • To maintain an efficient and effective housing service, sensitive and responsive to the changing needs of our clients.
  • To provide general needs housing aimed at meeting the needs of black and minority ethnic people, and to maintain particular provision for Muslims, refugees, women, young single people and families.
  • To respond to new areas of need as they arise or are identified in both social and religious areas such as becoming a resource for training for skills and jobs.
  • To remain locally accountable to the communities we serve.
  • To implement our chosen strategies by using effective management systems and resource planning, and by adopting employment practices that attract and develop high calibre personnel.


We’re inclusive – we take responsibility for our services and try to help everyone but particularly, Muslims, refugees and the vulnerable

We’re professional – you can trust us, we do the right things with integrity

We’re ambitious – we strive to get better each day as individuals and as a collective

We’re collaborative – we partner and collaborate to achieve more quicker


Ash-Shahada fulfils a unique role in that it is the only Muslim led housing association providing accommodation in South London. 

We Offer a Full Housing Service


All our properties are offered to the London Boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark through our nominations agreement. We do however operate a hostel scheme for single people through referral agencies.


As landlords we take the responsibility to ensure all our tenanted properties are in a wind and weatherproof condition and that all appliances for hot water and space heating are in general good repair and a serviceable condition.

Appropriate Housing Options

We have housing in the London Boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark. We have 99 permanent dwellings in management in Lambeth and 21 in Southwark. We also have 51 bed spaces in two hostels.

Continuous Growth

Currently we have 121 general needs homes and 51 hostel bed spaces. In addition we have a number of developments in the pipeline, which will produce further dwellings.

A registered social landlord, providing housing through hostels, flats and houses in Lambeth, Southwark, Birmingham and Dudley. Ash-Shahada is a Muslim-led housing association the first of its kind to be established in the UK in 1989.

Get In Touch

(+44) 020 4581 7585


Daily Times House, 43/45, Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell, London, SE5 9NR

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sat - Sun: Closed