Online Application For Housing

Do you have a tenancy?

Are you employed?

Are you entitled to Housing Benefit?

Do you have any additional household member who will be living with you?

Do you have the following amenities? Please tick

Is any of the above amenity shared?

Please tick the shared amenities

Potential homelessness. Please select any that applies

Are you on any Council Housing Register?

What is your first preference of area? (Please note, we only have properties in Lambeth and Southwark)

Do you or any of the people to be rehoused with you have or intend to keep animals?

Do you have any disabilities?

Are there any medical or other reasons for wanting to move from your present accommodation?

Have you previously been a tenant with Ash-Shahada Housing Association?

I declare that all information given in this application is correct. I authorise Ash-Shahada Housing Association to make such enquiries deemed reasonably necessary in order to verify the information I have given and undertake to inform Ash-Shahada Housing Association of any changes in my circumstances include change of address, persons, listed in the application or any other changes which may affect my application. Please select the button below if you agree with the above declaration.